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Apollo Downloader 

Web-Based Native Downloader From Outer Space


Apollo Downloader is a web-based native downloader written in C/Assembly with the fewest lines of code possible to maintain its super-tiny output size (~498+- bytes!). It is stable, fa-solidt and highly compatible with all modern Windows Machines.

The tiny downloader output size makes it the perfect tool for embedding/storing into many possibilities such as: QR Codes, DNS records & More!

This simple downloader is a Proof-of-Concept demoscene project. And it is not meant to be used for distribution or installing software, files on unauthorized computers.


What is this downloader used for?

This downloader simply can be used to "Download and Execute" or "Download" a file from a direct link into the computer. It requires internet connection on the host PC in order to be able to download the file.

How does this downloader work?

Using Apollo Downloader is fairly simple. you simply enter the your file direct link (your own hosting/direct link), enter the filename, insert your key, choose your settings, click Build!

Does this downloader require any dependencies like .NET Framework for example?

No. This downloader is written in C/ASM purely, It doesn't require any dependencies and it can run nativley on all Windows Operating systems starting from Windows XP and above.

Is this downloader 32-bit or 64-bit?

Currently, the final build output is 32-bit only for high compatibility and smaller size.

Is this downloader FUD scantime/runtime?

This downloader is not meant to be used for evasion or to be maintained for FUD/UD. AVs might flag it later, I don't honestly know. But it will not be maintained because it is a proof-of-concept demoscene downloader. It has far better purpose than to use it maliciously.

What is the size limit for files to be downloaded using this downloader?

I tested a lot of file types and sizes. Only one link/file is supported to keep things simple for each build.
And for the size, I honestly don't know but I tested downloading a file over 300MB.

Does this service distribute my builds?

Of course not! We don't have access to any of your builds/links. All builds are protected with a Zip password and stored temporarily. Only you can see Zip password when the build is successful.

I lost the key I purchased, what can I do?

all keys are delivered automatically, always make sure to check spam/junk folder and to save it somewhere safe. If you still can't find it contact us!

I still have questions, how can I contact?

Our contact information can be found in this page: Contact
Feel free to ask any questions or queries you have.